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Regenerative Medicine

If you have been living with chronic pain from an injury or degenerative condition that has not responded to traditional treatment, you may want to consider a regenerative medicine treatment. Dr. Trisha Patel of Revive Pain Management offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and stem cell injections at her Anaheim, California, office. Call or make an appointment today and find out how your body’s own restorative powers can help you heal safely and without surgery.

Regenerative Medicine Q & A

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine refers to a relatively new field of orthopedic treatment that uses your body’s own resources for healing. The two most commonly used forms of regenerative medicine treatment are platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP) and stem cell therapy.
Both PRP and stem cell injections are used in the successful treatment of many orthopedic conditions and injuries, including:
  • Tendonitis
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Osteoarthritis and arthritic joint pain
  • Bulging or degenerative discs in the spine
  • Sports and overuse injuries

What are PRP injections?

During PRP injections, Dr. Patel draws your blood. She then places the blood in a centrifuge, where the red blood cells and platelets are separated from the rest of your blood. The platelets and red blood cells are called plasma, and they contain the parts of your blood that focus on repairing injuries and regenerating healthy tissue.

Dr. Patel injects your plasma back into your body at the site of your injury or condition. The infusion of plasma helps your body heal the injury, using your own natural healing ability. PRP promotes quicker tissue healing.

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cells are located in your bone marrow, where your blood is created, and are responsible for repairing and rebuilding tissue. Stem cells travel to injuries in your body in the bloodstream, but some areas, such as joints, spinal discs, and tendons, don’t receive as much of a blood supply and typically do not heal well on their own.

With stem cell therapy, Dr. Patel removes bone marrow from the back of the pelvis using a thin needle. You will have a local anesthetic so the procedure will be painless. A centrifuge separates the stem cells and platelets from the rest of the marrow, and then Dr. Patel injects the stem cells and platelets directly into the injured area. This allows the damaged area to heal more quickly and repair itself over a 4-6 week period.

Regenerative medicine can help you heal faster using your body’s own natural healing resources. If you are suffering from ongoing pain, talk to Dr. Patel at Revive Pain Management in Anaheim, California, to find out if PRP or stem cell therapy can help you return to a pain-free, active lifestyle.